Computational analysis of metamaterials - an initial study - Lymperopoulos

Описание к видео Computational analysis of metamaterials - an initial study - Lymperopoulos

The seismic protection of buildings is a key part of the design of modern buildings. The use of existing seismic wave absorption
devices are experiencing ageing problems over the years. For this reason, various alternative configurations, behaving as isolators
have been proposed, including the use of metamaterials type of pentamodes. The aim of this work is to study the pentamodes
regarding their use in various applications and particularly for the anti seismic design. Therefore, at first, an analytical approach
of metamaterials, in static problems is presented. Results are then presented through the use of finite elements for various types
of boundary conditions and for three dierent materials used in metamaterials systems. From our analysis, it can be concluded
the optimum dimensions of the pentamode’s rod in order to have similar behaviour with isolators. Moreover, the pentamode
configuration which are made with metallic materials conclude that their use should be applied in the seismic protection design
and aircraft structures, while the pentamodes which are manufactured from polymers are preferable to be used in applications of biomechanics


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