【澳門開關直擊2023】港珠澳大橋搭車攻略|香港➡️金巴➡️澳門|Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge|HZMB Shuttle Bus|貝果TV

Описание к видео 【澳門開關直擊2023】港珠澳大橋搭車攻略|香港➡️金巴➡️澳門|Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge|HZMB Shuttle Bus|貝果TV

貝果TV @bagelhk

貝果遊記2023 新春第一擊,澳門開關新春遊,由香港搭機場巴士到香港口岸,離境後搭金巴經港珠澳大橋到澳門口岸,港珠澳大橋搭車攻略!



1) 使用本地公共交通工具抵達香港口岸,然後轉乘穿梭巴士前往珠海口岸或澳門口岸,再乘搭當地的交通工具前往目的地;或
2) 直接由香港乘搭跨境巴士或跨境出租車前往珠海或澳門。

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Hong Kong Port provides Immigration and Customs clearance services for vehicular traffic and passengers travelling between the Mainland / Macao and Hong Kong by cross-boundary coaches, shuttle buses, hire cars or private cars via the Bridge.

The 55-km Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB), comprising the 12km Hong Kong Link Road, 29.6km Main Bridge and 13.4km Zhuhai Link Road, is the longest bridge-cum-tunnel sea crossing in the world. Operating 24 hours a day, HZMB puts major cities in the Pearl River Delta within a three hours' commute from Hong Kong; and it will take only 40 minutes to travel the distance of approximately 42km from Hong Kong Port to Zhuhai Port and Macao Port.

Passengers can travel from Hong Kong to Zhuhai or Macao via HZMB in two ways:

1) make use of local public transport to reach the Hong Kong Port, ride a shuttle bus to Zhuhai Port or Macao Port and then take their local transport to the destinations; or
2) take cross-boundary coach or cross-boundary hire car directly from Hong Kong to Zhuhai or Macao.



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