How to Get The Most Sulforaphane Benefits from BROCCOLI

Описание к видео How to Get The Most Sulforaphane Benefits from BROCCOLI

Broccoli, which is great for bone and protects the immune system, also contains a compound very protective against cancer. Dr. Brown shares a tip on how to get the sulforaphane from broccoli, in this video.

More information on Dr. Rhonda Patrick's research can be found on her website at:

Dr. Ralph Moss cancer research page can be found at:

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Broccoli you’re all familiar with
Broccoli in fact if you’re paying
Attention to your calcium you say gee
Broccoli is a great source of calcium
But broccoli has also been making the
Headlines because
It has a compound in it that is very
Protective against cancer and that is
Sulforaphane Sulforaphane
Can is in broccoli but it has to be
Activated by an
Enzyme in broccoli called myrosinase so
Today i’m going to give you a little tip
About how you can get the most
Anti-cancer punch from your broccoli
When you cook the broccoli the enzyme
That makes
The activated sulforaphane which
Sulforaphane is the anti-cancer
Component of broccoli
That enzyme becomes deactivated so you
Really produce much of this anti-cancer
If you are cooking the broccoli an
Interesting solution to this
Which is revealed to me by dr ralph moss
One of the most famous uh
Uh people who’ve investigated different
Cancer treatments around the world
He says you can simply if you cook the
Broccoli you can just eat a little bit
Of raw broccoli
Or even one single radish that has
This myrosinase enzyme in it and that
Will be enough to activate and make the
Sulforaphane out of all the broccoli
And another interesting tup is that
There’s a leaf from south america and
The tropics called moringa that is a
Common lead that people eat as a food
That leaf has a lot of
myrosinase to it is able to make a lot
Of sulforaphane
So that is also a great trip tip i now
Put this moringa leaf powder right in my
Smoothie and it’s quite tasty actually
So remember broccoli is a great food
Great for bone
It’s also great to protect your immune
System to activate your immune system
But whenever you cook up your broccoli
Have a little bit of raw broccoli a
Little raw cauliflower
Or even one single radish will activate
If you’re interested in learning more
About the complexities of sulforaphane
And i predict that sulforaphane will be
Developed as an anti-cancer drug one of
These days
If you want to learn more about that go
To this is a fascinating
Website by a young scientist called
Rhonda patrick
She makes her living researching topics
She’s interested
In longevity topics mainly anti-cancer
Topics about preventing alzheimer’s
She makes her living doing that because
Individuals donate to her to do research
And they get her reports
She’s done a recent report on
Sulforaphane and interviewed one of the
Major researchers
Working at john hopkins university one
Of the researchers was really discovered
And worked with sulforaphane for decades
Go to found my fitness you can found
Find these interviews and these
Documents totally free of charge
I certainly donate to her work and if
You want us to have a step up in your
You might look at her look at her
Reports they’re very comprehensive and
She is a true scientist
Have fun with it eat your broccoli bud
Maybe eat it along with a little radish
Talk to you soon


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