King Faisal II and Premier Nuri as-Said prior to the anti-western revolt in Iraq. HD Stock Footage

Описание к видео King Faisal II and Premier Nuri as-Said prior to the anti-western revolt in Iraq. HD Stock Footage

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King Faisal II and Premier Nuri as-Said prior to the anti-western revolt in Iraq.

Scenes just prior to the mlitary Coup and mob revolt in Iraq. King Faisal II is seen addressing an assembly of people, prior to the revolt in which His uncle, Crown Prince Ilah was killed by street mobs, and the whereabouts of King Faisal II and Premier Nuri as-Said were unknown. Flashback scenes show them arriving in Jordan on an Iraqi Airways 4-engine turboprop airliner. They are greeted by King Hussein, Faisal's cousin, as they come down the steps of the airplane. A brass band plays as they cross the tarmac. Flags of Iraq and Jordan fly from flagpoles.The two cousin kings, Faisal II and Hussein, sit side by side and watch parade of tanks, armored vehicles and trucks. (Note: both King Faisal II and Premier Nuri as-Said lost their lives in the subsequent revolt.) Location: Iraq. Date: 1958.

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