The Intriguing Life of John Mark

Описание к видео The Intriguing Life of John Mark

Born in Africa, John Mark grows from a scared youngster to a champion of the continent. The disciple that gives up wealth and luxury to serve his beloved saviour.

Sources for John Mark
Some things about the life of the early disciples we are left to deduce from the writings of ancient authors. Although we cannot be absolutely certain about all of their facts, they are often the best we have and reasonable conclusions can be reached. Some of these writers were born some time after John Mark and rely on oral traditions or writings we no longer have. Sometimes this can be comfortably relied upon, indeed much of our own scriptures were originally passed on faithfully through oral accounts. Conclusions I reach through such sources I try to relate to historical matters of a persons life rather than matters of theology and therefore any mistakes I make are not overly consequential.

Ancient church fathers and writers that give us insight into John Mark include:

Papias of Hierapolis
Bishop of Hierapolis b 60AD

Dionysius of Alexandria
Born in the 3rd C. And an early Pope

Bishop of Caesarea in 3rd C

Clement of Alexandria
Born 150. Christian theologian and philosopher in Alexandria - Pupils include Origen

Born 155. Christian apologist and author based in Carthage

Origen of Alexandria
Born 184. Christian scholar and apologist. Wrote more than 2000 papers defending the gospel.

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