HALL OF NATIONS (1972 - 2017) IIANC + SPA Alumni : Part 3 of 4

Описание к видео HALL OF NATIONS (1972 - 2017) IIANC + SPA Alumni : Part 3 of 4

1. Ar. Vijay Garg
2. Ar.
3. Ar. Ashish Gupta

Hall of Nations – a modern Icon of Indian Architecture has been pulled down as a part of the redevelopment plan of Pragati Maidan.

Despite a fierce opposition led by the Seniors in the profession ongoing for the past few years, Court appeals, E-Campaigns and International pressure on all parts of the Government, the demolition of the Hall of Nations could not be averted.

The Architectural fraternity has been left in a state of shock by what has happened. The Profession needs to find a common syntax to deal with Society at Large and any such planned events in the Future.

Some questions need to find answers that are acceptable to the majority of the profession for it to have a Voice that can make the desired impact in Society:

a. Have we lost a Vital piece in History of Modern Indian Architecture?
b. Is the Society (public at large) affected by this issue?
c. Can we prevent rewriting of History in this Century by overwriting the History of the previous Century?
d. Is Architecture losing its connect with Society?


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