Free FPS Games on Steam Worth Checking Out

Описание к видео Free FPS Games on Steam Worth Checking Out

Here is a video where I bring to light a few lesser known FPS games released on Steam that you can get for free. Some are single player and others are multiplayer. There are a metric ton of free games on Steam, but a lot of the hidden ones are overlooked due to the presence of the free to play term as well having the most popular titles coming first. But while the Steam Summer Sale is depriving everyone of their financial future, these free games should help you save some money and keep you distracted at least until the sale is over. Hope you enjoy :)

Also my voice is a bit off again but not because of the chicken, but because I ate my fake tooth through eating some flatbread while it was still inside. So now I'm without a tooth and as a result, more air comes out of the mouth and it makes it harder to pronounce certain words. Warsow being one of them.

Games in Order:
Banana Shooter
Bone Dust
The Creature of Chaos
Neon Boost
OMFG: One Million Fatal Guns
Owinka Shooter
Priest Simulator Heavy Duty
Project Crypt
Shrine 1 & 2

Other Games Shown:
Cruelty Squad

#gaming #fps #steam #steamsummersale #freegaming


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