Generative AI with RPA

Описание к видео Generative AI with RPA

Explore the future of automation in this engaging YouTube video. Discover RPA's benefits, Generative AI's creative potential, and their game-changing synergy. Learn to implement them using Automation 360 and GenAI.NET. Unleash automation's power, from content creation to decision-making. Join us on this exciting journey into automation's future. Like, subscribe, and share for more!
#generativeai #rpa #promptengineering #mapreduce #automation360 #roboticprocessautomation #genainet #genai #automationagent #automationanywhere


0:00 Introduction
0:30 Understanding RPA
2:00 Exploring Generative AI
3:15 The Synergy of RPA and Generative AI
5:15 Implementing RPA & Generative AI using Automation 360
7:25 GenAI.NET introduction
7:55 HelloGenAI Bot
12:15 GenAITool Bot, Prompt template, Prompt Tool, Query Tool
15:00 Tools pipeline
16:05 Log details
16:20 Map Reduce Tool
17:35 Conclusion



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