[PES 2016] Patch PTE 6 : Download + Install on PC

Описание к видео [PES 2016] Patch PTE 6 : Download + Install on PC

The Patch PTE 6 is released now for PES 2016 including the new Data Pack 4 and all previous data packs and PTE patches (AIO) ! this video will guide you how to download and Install the Final PES 2016 PTE Patch 6.0 on your PC, so watch it carefully and follow my exact steps to avoid any errors! Read Description box below to find links you need: The links are made by the PTE Team so please support the team by only downloading from these links :-)

► Download Links of Patch PTE 6: https://delchocweb.com/pes-2016-patch...

►► Final PTE Patch 7.1 :    • [PES 2016] PTE Patch 7.1 (Unofficial ...  

► Crack 3DM Only: http://adf.ly/1cRVFU

► IDM (Internet Download Manager 30 days FREE Trial) : http://adf.ly/1TPEGZ

► To read Full Features of this Patch: https://delchocweb.com/pes-2016-patch...

►Unlock EXTRA Team: http://adf.ly/1WQtDJ (Tutorial video here:    • [PES 2016] Unlock Extra team (PTE pat...   )

► My website Article to "Fix PES not opening": https://delchocweb.com/fix-pes-not-op...

► Stadiums Pack v 2 By Estarlen Silva:    • [PES 2016] Stadiums Pack V 2 for PTE ...  

► Adboards Pack Tutorial:    • [PES 2016] Adboards Pack for PTE Patc...  


► My Website: https://delchocweb.com/

► My facebook Page:   / delchocpage  

► PTE Team Blog website: http://ptepatch.blogspot.com/

► Credits:

Konami, PTE Team, Nemanja, PES Logos, danyy77, buffon99, klashman69, zlac, Jenkey, cabry, fruits, moody, pesmonkey, -InMortal-, gabe.paul.logan, pimplo, donkscrispo, muske25, nemesisk, gasparzinho, VinVanDam, Estarlen Silva, a7med sb, cRoNoSHaCk, barcafan, Tunizizou, ramy, Tasci, Cuky, Maritimo,
AMussolini, steadyontherem8, Wens, Tisera09, killer1896, SantyArgentina, Znovik_S, pantelg7, rednik, Kairzhanov_21, spiritusanto, KOH, HD3011, Hawke, Andry_Dexter11, MarioMilan, smeagol75, starvin, juce, NikoLiberty4, boonaun, Txak, Tizziano, TwistedLogic, basilhspa013, Kuzmich, GOALARG, Swoosh1968,
Bilgehan Alpaydin, Baris Yerlikaya, Killacarrillo, Shram

Special thanks to Brezinho, Ginda, everst9, mckagan22 & PES Arabia
Special thanks to A. Hernandez for the Argentinian and Chilean kit pack
Big thanks to the "TEAM PES MX" and their creators, Donaldo Medina, xDark Mauri15x, Mindmaster & UBarreras for the LIGA BBVA Bancomer for PTE Patch. Follow the "TEAM PES MX" quality work on their facebook page:   / team-pes-mx-.  .

► Music Credits :

-1) Lensko - Cetus [NCS Release]
-2) Electro-Light - Throwback [NCS Release]

video of Music 1:    • Lensko - Cetus | House | NCS - Copyri...  

Video of Music 2:    • Electro-Light - Throwback | Hardstyle...  

To Follow Lensko

➞ SoundCloud   / lensko  
➞ Facebook   / lenskoofficial  
➞ Twitter   / lenskonorway  
➞ YouTube    / lenskoofficial  

To Follow Electro-Light

•   / maskedacoustic  
•    / electrolightofficial  
•   / electrolightedm  
•   / electrolightofficial  


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