Roger Morneau - Incredible Answers to Prayer Part 2

Описание к видео Roger Morneau - Incredible Answers to Prayer Part 2

Roger’s story testifies that demons are real, and their work is based on deception. Thankfully, we can take courage in the superior power of Jesus Christ who promises: “He who follows Me will not walk in darkness…and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:12, 32).

Cyril and Cynthia GrosséRoger’s deliverance comes through an unlikely friendship. A man named Cyril happens to be working next to him in a factory. He learns that Cyril is a Christian that keeps the Bible Sabbath; so he begins studying with Cyril and his wife Cynthia every night at their apartment. But, they don’t know Roger had been worshiping demons. Roger figures the spirits will kill him during the night; so he won’t be alive for the next Bible study anyway. But, as each new day dawns, Roger finds himself gaining hope and courage that maybe God really does care and is protecting him! Cyril and Cynthia are eye witnesses to the spiritual battles that follow.


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