GP Practice Nursing: How to find a good GP to work at

Описание к видео GP Practice Nursing: How to find a good GP to work at

Practice Nursing: How to find a good GP to work at. Here are some of the things I do when searching for a GP Practice to work at. I hope this helps a little.

QNI GPN induction template:

Linktree for GP crib sheet for reviews:
There is also an E-learning link on there for GP :) Scroll through.

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Registered Nurse (adult nursing) and author of how to make it as a student nurse.
Previous roles: Vice chair of GPNSNN account. Fab stuff ambassador, Student Academic Leader, Hello My Name is Campaigner, High Achievers Recognition Scheme (HARS) Scholar, Previously an Official Vlogger for BCU and one of the original members of The Student Nurse Project.
I am very passionate about nursing and want to bring that passion back into the hearts of everyone.
Passionate about GP nursing, education and sexual health / womens health and supporting the trans / LGBTQ+ community
I have previously worked as a healthcare assistant in sexual health and family planning, where I worked for almost 6 years before qualifying - I absolutely loved it!
Before sexual health I worked in care home for the elderly, orthopaedic theatres and I have done some bank shifts on the wards at the QE Hospital Birmingham too. Overall around 11 years healthcare experienc before qualifying as a nurse


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