Shuprava jui...performing slum poetry at Jatra mic Part 2

Описание к видео Shuprava jui...performing slum poetry at Jatra mic Part 2

Period and Progressive Boyfriends

Let me tell u a tale,
How my progressive boyfriends reacted on my
Trust me they are
Pretty odd!!

So this was the shortest dumping story ever.
On a chatty flirty night, he wrote me with a bite,
‘I am going to tell you something
That is very personal… and funny
You just wrote in Bangla ‘’ma space sick’’
Which meant your mother was sick but
I couldn’t resist the humor in it that
The word sounded like ‘masik’…
Yes he means period…..
He was a film-make by the way
The media persons aren’t that open minded.

My first boyfriend was an architect.
He had a good sense of proportion.
But the word ‘period’ for him was a caution!
‘Sona, You are on your own when you are having it
You should not get out of your room
You should not pray
You should not bla bla bla’’
Ya all those shits!
As if I am some sort of anti-vampire
Who sucked out blood from her own body!
But trust me, he loved me
And he was doing these shits out of love,
Till today!
Don’t ask me how I know it bay
Architects aren’t the most intelligent and cool people ever!

He loved me as mirrored to love of another boyfriend
He loved me so much
He adored me so much
He took good care of me so much
That he couldn’t take my ‘’sickness’’
‘O babe, don’t tell me!
O babe, no I can’t hear the word blood
O babe, don’t tell me about vomiting
O babe, don’t tell me u r pooping and vomiting at the same time
I was like o babe I am saying nothing! (showing middle finger on the lips)
He was a writer.
Alta (আলতা) made him turned on, but menstruation blood…
Moving on…
not all the writer’s can read between the lines!

I did have a healthy relationship though
A leftist boyfriend
Very kind, very gentle, and very feminist.
Score! Right?
It was a rainy day, he was dancing
He wanted me to dance on the street,
With him of course, revolutionary type না
And I said, ‘I can’t, I am having my period’.
Suddenly he spoke like a leader ,
Standing on the divider ,
of the road at Shabag.
And said so passionately,
‘’One day I will create a society for u
Where your blood will be on the road with the rain
And it will be a moment of celebration for all!!’’
I was like O My God!!
It was all about women power
The next day
I caught him in the shower
What a timing
Actually it was two timing
That day me and that other woman danced in the rain
And made a revolutionary moment by ourselves!
and a very important # Check twice before making love with the man who is an acclaimed feminist.

See I know it’s a taboo talking about period
Because nowadays everyone is..
And by everyone I mean the ‘’Nazzi or sudo feminists.’’
The sickness tag,
The wrapping bags
The hormone game
The sweating pain
It’s not about to hide or to tell
It’s my body and I am not ashamed
So here I am
Loud as hell
I am having my pre-period symptoms so don’t say anything bad about the poem I wrote.
I am kiddiing u can
No u can't (silently)

Shuprava jui


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