【4K重製】地藏菩薩見聞利益品-Aputi.com佛典動畫--The Benefit of Seeing and Hearing the Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha

Описание к видео 【4K重製】地藏菩薩見聞利益品-Aputi.com佛典動畫--The Benefit of Seeing and Hearing the Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha

Aputi創作於2008.02。本片講述了現世眾生見聞地藏菩薩名號與形象時所得的功德利益。當遇到種種狀況時,我們應該如何通過祈禱、依靠地藏菩薩,來利益現世的生活呢?影片將給您一個清晰的答案。 本視頻為【4K重製】版本。
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【4K Remaster-2160P】This film completed in February 2008 by Aputi.com.When Buddha Shakyamuni was living in this world,once in the Tryastrimsas Palace,He told his deceased mother who had ascended to heaven palace about the Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha’s Fundamental Vows.The Sutra is a biography of Ksitigarbha stories of how he had saved his mothers from suffering for numerous life times and his touching vows.He particularly explained the extraordinary goodness of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha and the Sutra.


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