Yuturi Warmi - Indigenous Women's led Resistance Tourism Project against mining in Ecuador

Описание к видео Yuturi Warmi - Indigenous Women's led Resistance Tourism Project against mining in Ecuador

Support the Kichwa women of Yuturi Warmi in building a community-led resistance tourism project that will provide an alternative to the destructive gold-mining in the area.

The scourge of industrial gold mining

In recent years, the Ecuadorian Amazon has been increasingly impacted by the scourge of both illegal and “legal” gold mining. However, even the mines run by recognized companies are considered illegal by the local populations as they often enter their territories without their prior free and informed consent, and operate without environmental permits. The negative impacts of industrial gold mining start with the deforestation and contamination of the soil and rivers by the toxic chemicals used in the extraction process, predominantly mercury. In addition to destroying the precious biodiversity of the Amazon rainforest, the contamination brings an array of health issues to the communities that depend on the river water to survive, such as skin diseases and cancer. The soil contamination prevents anything to grow, jeopardising their agroforestry organic farms, a vital part of their lives and indigenous cultures. Mining also sabotages other more environmentally-friendly sources of income such as tourism, as the contaminated land and rivers are not attractive to the foreigner’s eye anymore. Another important impact to mention is the rise of insecurity and delinquency the mine brings to the communities, as the resulting lack of educational or economic opportunities breed alcoholism, prostitution, and drug abuse and trafficking.

Who is Yuturi Warmi and how do they resist

Yuturi Warmi is the first Indigenous Women’s led Guard of the Ecuadorian Amazon in the Napo province. Yuturi Warmi translates directly to “Conga Woman”, a certain species of ants which are considered warriors in the indigenous Kichwa culture. Conga ants are peaceful until their territory is threatened: if an unwelcome presence gets close to their nest, they unite and bite the individual to defend themselves. More than 40 Kichwa women are dedicating their daily lives to resist mines from entering their land. By using Indigenous Justice - spears, chilli peppers, tobacco and nettles - as arms, they stop the miners from entering the Serena community which is one of the last areas that gold mining has not infiltrated and polluted their rivers, soil and bodies. They also regularly patrol the area, and make traditional artisanal products such as beaded jewellery, weaved bags, and ceramics, as an additional source of income. Together with the support of their families, they march in various protests to raise awareness that there is indeed an alternative to the destructive development path that the mining companies promote.

Unfortunately, the precarious economic conditions in which many communities live coupled with the lack of opportunities forces them to accept leasing or selling their land to the mines, for the meagre promise of a short-term economic benefit. It is crucial for communities to have the means to build alternative sources of income to the mine, which do not jeopardise their whole future.

What are the funds gonna help with

That’s why we need your help! Your contributions will support the organisation to continue fighting against the mines for the protection of their territory and the Amazon rainforest. The funds that will be collected are going to be the first step towards the development of an indigenous’ led tourism project, which includes the construction of a tourist lodge, a botanical garden, and a traditional handicrafts shop. This will not only allow the women of the community to rely on new sources of income, but will also help them build their own future according to their dreams and aspirations without having to give up on their customs and ways of life, currently threatened by the mines.

About us

We are three students from the University of Copenhagen. We decided to live with the community in order to conduct a research project with the aim of better understanding how it is possible to build alternatives to mining and extractivism. We have been listening to their inspiring life stories, their worldviews, their hopes, and their struggles related to their everyday resistance. We decided to collaborate on starting this crowdfunding to support them to take the first step towards achieving their dreams of creating a reality free of mining and environmental destruction. Any help is greatly appreciated!

For any questions, contact us at: [email protected]

Content - @naporesist @yuturiwarmi


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