Raven's Agony - Death's Embrace

Описание к видео Raven's Agony - Death's Embrace

English Version
Title: Death's Embrace | Raven's Agony - Official Music Video

We are Raven's Agony, a melodic death metal band from Pardubice, Czech Republic. "Death's Embrace" is our sixth single and third official music video. As a band, we strive to create an intense and emotional musical experience, blending powerful riffs, haunting melodies, and captivating lyrics.

"Death's Embrace" delves into the inescapable nature of mortality. The song personifies Death as both harbinger and destiny, exploring the silent, eternal span that awaits us all. Through crushing riffs, symphonic undertones, and raw vocal power, this track captures the shadowy allure of life's final chapter.

If you're a fan of melodic death, black, or symphonic metal, "Death's Embrace" is sure to resonate with you. Let the music speak for itself—step into the embrace of eternity with us.

🔥 Follow us on social media:
YouTube:    / @ravensagonyband  
Instagram:   / ravensagony_official  
Facebook:   / ravensagonyband  
Tiktok:   / ravensagonyband  

📀 Listen to "Death's Embrace" on:
Spotify, Deezer, and other music platforms.

Česká Verze
Název: Death's Embrace | Raven's Agony - Official Music Video

Jsme Raven's Agony, melodická death metalová kapela z Pardubic, Česká republika. "Death's Embrace" je náš prvnísingl a třetí oficiální videoklip. Naše hudba je intenzivní, emotivní a propojuje silné riffy, temné melodie a poutavé texty.

"Death's Embrace" se zaměřuje na nevyhnutelnost smrtelnosti. Skladba zosobňuje Smrt jako posla i osud, zkoumá ticho a věčný prostor, který nás všechny čeká. Skrze drtivé riffy, symfonické prvky a syrovou vokální sílu tato skladba zachycuje temnou přitažlivost poslední kapitoly života.

Pokud máte rádi melodický death, black nebo symfonický metal, "Death's Embrace" vás jistě osloví. Nechte hudbu promluvit za sebe—vkročte s námi do věčného objetí.

🔥 Sledujte nás na sociálních sítích:
YouTube:    / @ravensagonyband  
Instagram:   / ravensagony_official  
Facebook:   / ravensagonyband  
Tiktok:   / ravensagonyband  

📀 Poslechněte si "Death's Embrace" na:
Spotify, Deezer a dalších hudebních platformách.

Lyric/Text skladby:
Time brings you to my arms
In the shadows, I wait for your charms
In darkness, with scythe in hand
For every soul in this forsaken land
No gods, no kings can escape my reach
No walls, no barriers, not even the wisest priest
Death's embrace, eternal and warm
Sooner or later, all will understand

No escape
Final call
No escape
Final call

In the dark of night
I stay alone, hear me
No mercy do I know
No fears, no tears can change your plan
For I am Death, the harbinger of every man
Whispered promises like a dying flame
Casting a shadow, but what do I know
Embrace the silence, the eternal span
For I am Death, the destiny of every man

No escape
Final call

No escape
Final call

In the dark of night
I stay alone, hear me
No mercy do I know
No fears, no tears can change your plan
For I am Death, the harbinger of every man
Whispered promises like a dying flame
Casting a shadow, but what do I know
Embrace the silence, the eternal span
For I am Death, the destiny of every man


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