Radiohead Bassist Colin Greenwood's Techniques | Reverb Learn To Play

Описание к видео Radiohead Bassist Colin Greenwood's Techniques | Reverb Learn To Play

Reverb's 2021 Holiday Gift Guide:
Treat yourself or find the perfect gift for your favorite music maker. Radiohead bassist Colin Greenwood may not be the most recognizable name in the supergroup, but his bass work on tracks like "Paranoid Android" (OK Computer), "Morning Bell" (Kid A), "I Might Be Wrong" (Amnesiac), "Myxomatosis" (Hail to the Thief), and "15 Step" (In Rainbows) showcase Greenwood's long career full of deft melodic lines, his ingenuity, and his aptitude for funk. Follow along as Jake runs through these lines.

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