Tales of the Abyss- Final Boss: Van [NMND/Unknown Mode]

Описание к видео Tales of the Abyss- Final Boss: Van [NMND/Unknown Mode]

No Menu, No Deaths

It's been said many times before, but Van is a fairly fitting final boss when it comes to challenges like this. I decided to put my editing skills to the test and record each of the 3 parts to the battle separately, though I've got a full one-shot take against him to show I'm no slouch when it comes to this stuff. Just wanted this playlist to end this way since I doubt I'd ever feel up to it again.

With these stats, the only big difference is that Van's HP drops a bit quicker. His first....form before the interrupting cutscene is pretty basic, with his spells doing big damage and Radiant Dragon being a nuisance. Still, he acts like most other enemies and tends to target whomever is in his face. And of course Imperial Slaughter will kill anyone caught in it.

His second part is a bit more of trouble since he gains access (and will more than likely use) Celestial Elegy. One of the rare mystic artes that lock you in place, getting hit by the sword he brings down is instant-death, while the rest of it is just regular AoE damage. After that is baited out, however it's done, the time after it can be a bit rough since chances are someone will need healing from C.E. If that's the case then a healthy dose of hope and prayer can help against him spamming Radiant Dragon or targeting anyone that's not who you're controlling. And Imperial Slaughter is still there *smh*.

What's really a challenge is his second "form". After he busts the arm out, he acts a lot like the Replicantis or Nebilim in that he gains a fondness of targeting the back row. That wouldn't be too bad, except some of his spells do similar damage to that of the aforementioned bosses. Negative Gate is barely survivable, but anything from Infernal Prison to his FoF changes are game over. Party formations can't stand up to things like his OP Judgment, which punches through HP like it's nothing. On top of that is Radiant Dragon, Shining Dragon, and Shining Blade to stop melee assaults and the defensive/offensive package is complete. Don't let the format of this video fool ya, it still took a few dozen tries thanks to split-second decisions by the AI on when to magic guard and what not. Or they just had doom rain upon them.

And with that, Abyss is all but wrapped up. Very fun game, and a very challenging run (moreso later on, but it was great to see what could get pulled off). Meaningless babble aside, thanks to those who stuck around for the ups and downs, and I hope you've enjoyed. Yes I'll be uploading the "no-yappin'" version of this fight....probably in a few hours, but again this marks the end of the playlist.


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