Primitive Slate Tomahawk : Stone Age Survival tool and fighting weapon!

Описание к видео Primitive Slate Tomahawk : Stone Age Survival tool and fighting weapon!

The primitive slate stone tomahawk is one of the simplest and most versatile survival tools out there! Aside from wood processing and camp cutting tasks, this hatchet like tool also works great as a hunting and fighting weapon!

The primitive tomahawk took me 45 minutes to construct, let go test it!

You can choke up on the tomahawk and use it like a knife

1. Food processing is easy
2. Cutting cordage is no problem at all

You can also use it like an axe or hatchet

3. Processing soft wood is no problem at all
4. Chopping hardwood is also doable but the head will be worn down faster.

This tool can also be used like a machete
5. The tomahawk can be used to clear brush, vines, and light vegetation.

6. Being reasonably light and well balanced, the tomahawk can be used as a hunting tool. It can be thrown accurately against cornered game at close range.

7. Finally, that same combination of weight and balance makes the tomahawk a fast and agile self defense weapon.

The stone tomahawk was first used by Algonquin speaking tribes in North America. 17th century European colonists recorded a large number of native uses for this tool. These uses included performing camp chores, , for hunting, and as a form of warfare where natives would hurl their tomahawks at their enemies on mass immediately prior to a charge.

Now for a Stone Age design, the Tomahawk is incredibly well suited for wilderness survival even today. Building this tool uses common materials, can be reasonably quickly, and does not require advanced crafting skills. Once built, this tool can perform a wide variety of essential survival tasks. So bottom line, I really like the Tomahawk and would recommend it as a viable wilderness survival tool. Anyways, thanks so much for watching this video, if you like what you are seeing and want to see more, please like, share, and subscribe to my channel. Thanks and have a nice day!


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