Psalm 23 (Psalm of David) In Jamaican Patois (Creole)

Описание к видео Psalm 23 (Psalm of David) In Jamaican Patois (Creole)

Jesus says in the Bible that he is ‘the Good Shepherd.’ He is there with you no matter what you are going through. I encourage you to look to him and trust in him and he will give you your victory. We are praying for all of you.

Psalm 23Di Laawd a fi mi shepherd; me nah go want nothing.
‘Im mek me lie down in di place dem with nice green grass fi nyam; ‘im tek me a quiet water-side.
‘Im mek me soul strong strong again: ‘im show me the right way fi tek sake-a ‘im good name ’cause ‘im will always do wha ‘im sey ‘im a-go do.
Even though me will walk through the gully whe me fraid fe dead, me nah go fraid a nuh wickedness: ‘Cause, yuh de yah with me; yuh stick dem mek me happy when me sad and a worry.
Yuh get one table ready in fronta me eye, right which part mi enemy dem dey: yuh oil me head; me cup full so til it all a run over.
Fi sure the way how yuh good and kind nah go lef me fi as long as me live: and me will live inna di Lawd house fi ever and ever.


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