UNIT 4 Ch-1 In the State Where the Wild Things Are BA/Bcom (P) ENGLISH FLUENCY-I |Sem 2 (NEP) Sol Du

Описание к видео UNIT 4 Ch-1 In the State Where the Wild Things Are BA/Bcom (P) ENGLISH FLUENCY-I |Sem 2 (NEP) Sol Du

UNIT 4 Ch-1 In the State Where the Wild Things Are BA/Bcom (P) ENGLISH FLUENCY-I |Sem 2 (NEP) Sol Du (Generic elective) GE Unit 4 semester 2

UNIT 4 Ch-1 In the State Where the Wild Things Are BA/Bcom (P) ENGLISH FLUENCY-I |Sem 2 (NEP) Sol Du (Generic elective) GE Unit 4 semester 2
Vivek Mishra~Economics Subscribe: 👇👇   / @vivekmishraeconomics  

👇👇 All units chapter wise link below 👇👇 NOTES are available..

CH-1=    • Unit1 Ch-1 The Lost Word BA/Bcom (P) ...  
CH-2=    • Unit1 CH-2 Squiggle Gets Stuck: All A...  

CH-1=    • Unit 2 Ch-1 In the University: Introd...  

CH-3(A)=    • UNIT 3 Ch-3(a) IN PUBLIC PLACES | AMA...  
CH-3(B)=    • UNIT 3 Ch-3(b) IN PUBLIC PLACES | BHI...  

CH-1=    • UNIT 4 Ch-1 In the State Where the Wi...  

CH-1=    • UNIT 5 Ch-1 Interface with Technology...  


Unit 4 : In the State : Where the Wild Things Are (Maurice P.K. Satapathy
Bernard Sendak)

i. Understand the importance of picture books
ii. Read picture books and unravel their hidden meanings
iii. Understand how Max comes to terms with his anger and emotional problems
iv. Understand how values are instilled in children through stories

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thanks u all dear friends 😊❤️❤️❤️
Devesh Mishra


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