How to toast belachan at home using a frying pan | Malaysia fermented shrimp paste | Penang belachan

Описание к видео How to toast belachan at home using a frying pan | Malaysia fermented shrimp paste | Penang belachan

"Belachan" is a fermented shrimp paste. In Malaysia, we call the fermented shrimp paste "Belachan". It is an essential ingredient in nyonya cooking to give a nyonya dish a distinctive aroma and flavour. It usually comes in a block. It needs to be toasted first before using. At home, I use a frying pan to toast the belachan. I prefer to buy a locally made Penang belachan. It requires some patience to keep stirring the belachan on a low heat until it breaks up and grounded into a powder form. It keeps for a long time if the toasted belachan is properly kept in a jar and in a cool dry place, like a fridge or freezer. You will find several of my earlier recipe videos making use of toasted belachan in my nyonya dishes.


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