Roles & Duties of a Company Director

Описание к видео Roles & Duties of a Company Director

Who is a Company Director ?

A Company Director is someone elected or appointed to manage a company's business and affairs.

In this video, you will discover the following key points:

1. Who is a Company Director?
2. What are the duties of Company Director?
3. General duties of Company Director.
4. Directors’ duties - Insolvent Trading.
5. Director Penalty Notice – What action should be taken by a Company
Director if he/she receives this notice?
6. What is Lock-down DPN & Non Lock-down DPN?
7. Director’s duties in assisting the External Administrator.
8. Benefits of Deed of Company Agreement.

Cathro and Partners' educational videos aim to outline the types of insolvency and restructuring options available with a brief overview of the steps required to undertake each option. Each video enables a high level of understanding of each option to be initially briefed on choosing which option is best. These videos provide stakeholders such as creditors, banks and employees an understanding of what requirements need to be undertaken during the course of a particular insolvency path.


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