Shimano Stella SW4000XG - Deepsea Jigging on GT 14Kg

Описание к видео Shimano Stella SW4000XG - Deepsea Jigging on GT 14Kg

Giant Trevally or also known as GT is purely a game fish afterall. This was caught sometimes in 2017.
Weight approximately 14kg. It is my first experience with GT. So i'm stoke by the sheer power of this beast AT THIS SIZE!.
Got all the help i can from Wee Jol Fishing and he landed this beast after 30 minutes of fight.
Didnt own a sports cam at that time, so the footage was takn from a phone by Apai Desmond.
I was already exhausted from continuous 6 catch straight before, and this is my 7th catch straight.
Pecah muka bhaii macam dok tarik KARBAU ko tau.

Reel: Shimano Stella SW4000XG
Rod: Zagan Slow Twitch PE1-3
Main line: Zen GT-Zero 30lbs
Leader : Shimano Ocea Leader 40lbs
Jig : 90g
Hooks: Sumitoyo 2/0

Email: [email protected]

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