What is Pro rata consumption on Electricity bill/pro rata base charges/pro rata billing/DISCOS

Описание к видео What is Pro rata consumption on Electricity bill/pro rata base charges/pro rata billing/DISCOS

Pro-rata consumption on a bill refers to charges that are calculated proportionally based on the amount of a service used within a specific billing period. For example, if you start a service in the middle of a billing cycle, your bill might include pro-rata charges for the portion of the cycle during which you had access to the service. It ensures that you only pay for the service you actually used during that time frame.
Sure, let's say your billing cycle for internet service begins on the 1st of each month, and you sign up for the service on the 15th. Since you only had access to the internet for half of the billing cycle, your bill would include pro-rata charges for the 15 days of service you used. These charges would be calculated based on the daily rate for the service multiplied by the number of days you had access to it during that billing cycle.
In electricity bills there is new term mentioned by the name of Pro Rata Consumption. We will see that what is this term. Is it about over billing by Electrcity companies like IESCO, LESCO, FESCO, PESCO,MEPCO and K-Electric etc.
According to the NEPRA Rules billing cycle is always for 30 Days. All bills are calculated on 30 Days. But our Companies mentioned different reading dates. For Example the Reading Date is 25th April but bill will be calculated upto 29 April. Therefore the actual units on meter and the units in bill calculation are different. These extra units are assumed and called Pro Rata Consumption.
If any user get bill of more than 30 days then he will get less units because the cycle was of more than 30 days which is not according to the rules of NEPRA. And if take reading of less than 30 days then according to consumption of these days units are added and pro ratta consumption is not over billing if it mentioned on your bill


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