Menopause Health Coach Discovers her Authentic Style

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Elaine shares with Ladybird her personal style journey and an inside look into her colorful closet!

Elaine started out her career in corporate sales. She loved getting to dress professionally for the office. A few years into her career she developed concerning health issues and knew she needed a change. After stumbling upon health coaching and getting healed herself, she felt called to help other women with their health.

Elaine immersed herself into the health coaching realm and along the way her style began to change. She no longer was wearing the same clothing as she was in the office and even began her natural hair journey. She felt free. But with any big change sometimes it moves too far in one direction before we realize we are missing a part of ourselves.

That is what led her to reaching out to us at Ladybird. She learned that her authentic style is bold, polished and distinct. The boho style she was sporting wasn’t matching up to the qualities that had been within her all along.

Since 2021 she has been developing her style again, and has discovered surprising insights including when she got her first pair of slacks as a child!

Now that Elaine finds herself in a new life stage of perimenopause, she can approach it knowing how to authentically express herself.

Check out The Authentic Style Community to start your style journey today!



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