Gruv Gear NanoMat: No More Hauling Heavy Rugs with Your Drums!

Описание к видео Gruv Gear NanoMat: No More Hauling Heavy Rugs with Your Drums!

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Hauling your drums to and from the studio or the venue for a gig is never a convenient task, but do you also need to lug around a heavy rug that takes up an inordinate amount of space? Actually, it turns out you don’t! Gruv Gear’s NanoMat drum mats were engineered to spare drummers the cumbersome task of dealing with rugs without compromising the stability needed for rock-solid stage setups and reliable performance with your kick- and hi-hat pedals. Sweetwater’s NDV — who’s no stranger to world-touring drum needs — puts Guv Gear’s NanoMats to the test. Check it out!

00:00 — Setup
00:15 — Intro
00:54 — Models and Features
01:54 — Outro

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