Completing Through Mud & Blood on Hard Difficulty

Описание к видео Completing Through Mud & Blood on Hard Difficulty

This run was pretty fun to do as I rather enjoy the tank gameplay given in battlefield 1. (If only the enemy didn't camp tank spawn with anti-tank mines in potholes) At some parts of the campaign it did get pretty intense especially near the end where you get rushed from all angles by both the little stupid worm tanks and the fortress tanks. This is where I'm glad that the games AI is stupid even on hard mode as in hard mode your tank is basically a big fluffy pillow that can get shelled through any angle. I wouldn't say it was as bad as Friends in High Places as I've at least used tanks more than I did planes in multiplayer. I also would get the complete all war stories on hard achievement meaning that I'm maybe finally done with the War Stories for the most part. Regarding the re-run of the runner however, I may or may not make it depending on how many views this video and the other two previous videos get in the following week. Other than that, I plan to go back to more showcase content once I'm feeling better. (yes, I was sick-Ish in the creation of this video)


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