Updates on Hepatitis B and C for Patients

Описание к видео Updates on Hepatitis B and C for Patients

American Liver Foundation hosted an educational webinar focused on screening, linkage to care, and disparities in the cascade of care and new HBV screening and vaccination guidelines and Hep C Treatment.

The speakers for this webinar were:
Robert J. Wong, MD, MS, Staff Physician, Gastroenterology Section, VA Palo Alto Healthcare System, Clinical Associate Professor, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Stanford University School of Medicine
Min Kim, MD, MPH, Physician, Clinical Interventions Team/Prevention Branch, CDC
Nathan Furukawa, MD, MPH, Senior Advisor for Hepatitis C Elimination, Division of Viral Hepatitis, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Our moderator was Emmanuel Thomas MD, PhD, FAASLD Associate Professor at the University of Miami School of Medicine in the Department of Pathology, American Liver Foundation, Board Chair.

00:00 – Welcome and introduction by Ivory Allison, ALF National Senior Director, Community Impact
02:53 - Min Kim, MD, MPH presents Recommendations for Hepatitis B Virus Screening, Testing, and Vaccination
16:25 - Robert J. Wong, MD, MSD presents Disparities in the HBV Cascade of Care
30:07 - Nathan Furukawa, MD, MPH presents Hepatitis C Elimination: Signs of Promise but Much Further to Go
43:36 – Question and Answer moderated by Emmanuel Thomas, MD, PhD, FAASLD
1:04:36 – Closing remarks

Learn more about Hepatitis B here: https://alf.social/hbv
Learn more about Hepatitis C here: https://alf.social/HepC

For more information about the American Liver Foundation, visit https://liverfoundation.org/.

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