Terminus Interview - Adrian Brachmann (Níðstöng, Perkwunos, Äkth Gánahëth)

Описание к видео Terminus Interview - Adrian Brachmann (Níðstöng, Perkwunos, Äkth Gánahëth)

While conducting a dangerous Thulean reconnaisance mission, The Black Metal Guy managed to bed down in enemy triangle black metal territory to conduct a casual interview with a rare ally: Adrian Brachmann, whose projects Níðstöng and Perkwunos we have covered in earlier episodes. While dodging fire from the remains of the Orthodox scene, your intrepid host and his frigid counterpart enjoy a talk over coffee about Adrian's projects, his future musical plans, the broader black metal scene, and, of course, a Terminus favorite: 2000's metalcore.

0:00:00 - Interview

0:57:18 - Holyarrow - "空的進軍 / March to the Sky" fr. 吾​之​榮​耀​即​吾​之​忠​誠 (Pest Productions, 2023)

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