Is it okay for a pregnant woman to drink red raspberry leaf tea to induce labor?

Описание к видео Is it okay for a pregnant woman to drink red raspberry leaf tea to induce labor?

Red raspberry leaf tea is an herbal supplement taken by some women to stimulate labor. And a study was done on this in 1999, so it's been a while, but it showed that it did actually shorten labor lengths. However, this should only be taken after talking with your doctor for a couple of different reasons - the most important one being that you don't want to take it too soon because you want to make sure that you're far enough along in pregnancy that if you did deliver and it did actually help, that you're not delivering prematurely. 37 weeks is considered full-term, however, babies do best when born at 39 weeks, and so nothing should be tried or done to have your baby sooner than 39 weeks. After talking with your doctor about it, they'll decide if it's okay or if there are risks associated with it and you shouldn't take it. If you have more questions for me in the future, feel free to ask them on our Facebook page at   / intermountainmoms  , and recommend us to your friends and family too.


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