Are green potato chips bad for you?

Описание к видео Are green potato chips bad for you?

Are green potato chips bad for you? Risk Bites takes a look at whether fears over green potato chips are just an urban myth, or whether there's more to them.


Useful websites:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations:

International Program on Chemical Safety:

Food Safety Watch:

Wikipedia (solanine):


Supporting Literature:

The Food Safety Hazard Guidebook. By Richard Lawley, Laurie Curtis, Judy Davis:

Zeiger, E. and Tice, R. (1998) α-Chaconine and α -Solanine: Review of the Toxicological Literature. Integrated Laboratory Systems.

Alexander, R. F., Forbes, G. B. and Hawkins E. S. (1948) A Fatal Case of Solanine Poisoning. Brit. Med. J. Sept 11 1948, p518

Biastoff, S. and Dräger, B. (2007). Calystegines. In The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Biology, 64, pp 49-102.

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Friedman, M., Roitman, J. N. and Kozuki, N. (2003) Glycoalkaloid and Calystegine Contents of Eight Potato Cultivars. J. Agriculture and Food Chem. 51, pp2964−2973

Muhammad, A. A., Randhawa, A., Butt, M. S., Asghar, A., Yasin, M. and Shibamoto, T. (2012) Glycoalkaloids (α-Chaconine and α-Solanine) Contents of Selected Pakistani Potato Cultivars and Their Dietary Intake Assessment. J. Food Science 77, 3, pp T58-T61

Griffin, W. J. and Linb, G. D. (2000) Chemotaxonomy and geographical distribution of tropane alkaloids. Phytochemistry 53, 623-637.

Jensen, P. H., Jacobsen O. S., Henriksen, T. Strobel, B. W. and Hansen, H. C. B. (2009) Degradation of the Potato Glycoalkaloids -- a-Solanine and a-Chaconine in Groundwater. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 82, pp 668--672 0.1007/s00128-009-9698-4

Knuthsen, P. Jensen, U. Schmidt, B. and Larsen K., (2009) Glycoalkaloids in potatoes: Content of glycoalkaloids in potatoes for consumption. J. Food Composition and Analysis 22, pp 577--581

Mäder, J., Rawel, H., Kroth, L. W., (2009) Composition of Phenolic Compounds and Glycoalkaloids r-Solanine and r-Chaconine during Commercial Potato Processing. . Agric. Food Chem. 57, pp 6292--6297

Tajner-Czopek, A., Rytel, E., Kita, A. and Hamouz, K. (2012) The influence of thermal process of coloured potatoes on the content of glycoalkaloids in the potato products. Food Chemistry 133, pp 1117--1122. 10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.10.015

Tajner-Czopek, A., Jarych-Szyszka, M. and Lisinska, G. (2008) Changes in glycoalkaloids content of potatoes destined for consumption. Food Chemistry 106 pp 706--711 10.1016/j.foodchem.2007.06.034

Yamashoji, S. and Matsuda, T. (2013) Synergistic cytotoxicity induced by a-solanine and a-chaconine. Food Chemistry 141 pp 669--674

Risk Bites is created and produced by Andrew Maynard, and supported by the ASU Risk Innovation Lab, and School for the Future of Innovation in Society


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