Stop for a while and enjoy this Japanese Indie Folk playlist

Описание к видео Stop for a while and enjoy this Japanese Indie Folk playlist

Anybody got some good news to share?

I swear all I ever put in these videos are back alleys and bicycles.

IZ*ONE held an online concert yesterday and I was shaking for most parts of it. Proud of my girls.

I also recently discovered the world of vtubers and hololive. What an interesting concept.

Original photo by Clay Banks

As always, remember to check out the artists' channels and twitter accounts to keep up with their activities and new releases. Also seek out their Spotify profiles especially if there's a particular artist you liked in the video, as I usually limit myself to including 2-3 songs by an artist and there might be more of their songs that I really like but ultimately skip for the video. But yea check out their pages, go to their channels, comment on their videos, all that good stuff. Links below. if you're looking to support me. You absolutely don't have to. But it's there for those who can and want to.

#moksori #jindie #playlist #japanese #indie #folk


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