Gear Carried Newbie Scouter Ivory Tower Normal Relear G1-4 Gameplay / LOST ARK 1600 Abyss Dungeon

Описание к видео Gear Carried Newbie Scouter Ivory Tower Normal Relear G1-4 Gameplay / LOST ARK 1600 Abyss Dungeon

❖ Again, there could be some FPS-freeze/missing sounds due to Shadowplay recording trolling, plus me having a potato PC xddShrug

❖ Although these are reclears, there are still some mechanics that I did not do well / made mistakes, will try to mark them as much as possible down below. TBH G2 is still a very rusty gate for me, easier to screw up than G4 imo. Overall not a great performance, but I'm gear carried xdd

❖ Recorded on Feburary 17 & 4, 2024.

❖【Time Stamp + Notes / Guides】
[0:00] G1 Entry
[1:45] Gate 1
Major mech at 4:20
[6:46] G2 Entry
[7:45] Gate 2
Should take the blood orb fast since it gives you massive CD reduction. Make sure to wait for ur HP to drop to 10%, then use any healing potions.
Basically, the whole process is: throw capture1 - stagger1 - stagger2 - stagger3(fail) - counter, capture 2+3, destruction - wait for capture immune (maybe around 30s), then repeat this process until mech.
Boss will fly away after first cycle, player 4 is supposed to fill and throw a capture where the boss lands.
9:43 mech: 2-eye mark player run around the middle boss / guide the boss attack towards open space, the rest 3 go to each smaller boss clone, DO NOT STAND IN FRONT OF THE CLONE, wait on the side and see what it gives. 1-eye mark player run around the clone should never be seen by the clone, the other 2 wait for the clone to crawl first then counter, and go to the 1-eye clone and help kill that clone to finish the mech.
12:01 mech, at 12:50 me as player4 should wait to see how the boss moves and fill the capture.
[14:15] G3 Entry
[16:00] Gate 3
[23:17] Gate 4
[33:05] Build / Gear
[33:25] Bonus G2
39:25, this normal mech you can either 1. walk through all the red puddles to trigger all of them, or 2. throw a capture on the boss to interrupt this mech.
[41:38] Bonus G3
45:49, if you have very high stack (say 8+) you could be one shot by the 1st attack here, intentionally get hit into water before to clear any stacks.
(normally you need to find the safe zone to dodge the 1st attack, then move to the open spot to stagger the boss to fall into water to avoid the 2nd attack, yet you may not make it in time, so instead you just wait at the open spot and let sup give you DR buffs to tank the 1st hit)
47:38, boss with a pillar in hand after the mech cannot be staggered (me throwing a ww grenade is useless here), just wait for him to fall down after some time.
[50:28] Bonus G4

Lost Ark Voldis Chaotic Ivory Tower Trampled Garden Machinist POV 로스트아크 혼돈의 상아탑 스카우터


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