"Thingamajig" - Marissa Osato Choreography

Описание к видео "Thingamajig" - Marissa Osato Choreography

This song's simplicity beautifully contrasts the complexity of its subject matter. I wanted to physicalize the loaded tension within an apology and all of the residue surrounding it.

Choreography: Marissa Osato
Music: "Thingamajig" by Miya Folick
Dancers L-R: Eugenia Rodriguez, Karen Chuang, Diana Schoenfield, Marissa Osato, Shiori Kamijo
Location: EDGE Performing Arts Center, Los Angeles
#marissaosatochoreography #miyafolick #entitycontemporarydance #edgepac #thingamajig #dance #contemporarydance #danceinlosangeles #losangelesdance
*I do not own the rights to this music. For educational purposes only.*


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