Full Day Of Eating *READY MEAL EDITION* | Eating Nothing But Lidl Ready Meals For 24HRS

Описание к видео Full Day Of Eating *READY MEAL EDITION* | Eating Nothing But Lidl Ready Meals For 24HRS

What's up people welcome back to another video! In today's video I take you through a full day of eating in which I eat nothing but Lidl ready meals for 24hrs.

This was actually one of the more enjoyable food challenges I've done in a 24hr period, although it left me feeling very hungry throughout the day due to the lack of fiber and satiating macro-nutrients such as protein. I found all 4 of these ready meals to be extremely high in fat and relatively low in both carbohydrates and protein.

Be sure to hit that thumbs up button and let me know in the comments what other foods I should try eating for 24hrs!

Thanks so much for the support recently! Let's keep this channel growing!

See you in the next one!

Full Day Of Eating READY MEAL EDITION | Eating Nothing But Lidl Ready Meals For 24HRS

Song: DayFox - Secret Places
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:    • DayFox - Secret Places (Vlog No Copyr...  

#fulldayofeating #foodchallenge #eatingnothingbutreadymealsfor24hrs


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