What Happened to KIX After the Clone Wars? (The Last Clone Trooper) - Star Wars [Updated 2021]

Описание к видео What Happened to KIX After the Clone Wars? (The Last Clone Trooper) - Star Wars [Updated 2021]

With the Clone Wars coming to and end the Empire choosing to phase out the majority of Jango Fett Clones as part of Operation War Mantle, it was a very rare sight to see Clone Troopers around the galaxy, and especially after the battle of Endor, where Captain Rex served. There was however one clone that survived far longer than Rex, and sadly went on to become the last ever clone trooper, after being frozen for 50 years. So, lets break down how Kix became the Last Clone Trooper in the Galaxy.

#StarWars #TheCloneWars #Kix #CrimsonCorsair #TheBadBatch

A Very short while after the Battle of Anaxes, where Kix fought alongside his brothers in the Bad Batch, the Clone Medic began to get very suspicious about the true nature of Jedi Master Tiplar’s killing, at the hands of Tup while fighting at Ringo Vinda. After holding this suspicion in his mind for days, brewing deep inside of him, Kix began to conduct an investigation into the incident and eventually discover that his Brother fives may have known the truth behind the killing. Taking the investigation further, Kix was able to uncover the full truth behind the inhibitor chips, and discovered that they were implanted into the heads of every single Clone of the Republic, with the primary goal of eliminating the Jedi with Order 66, but also to maintain full obedience to the empire.

Unfortunately for Kix, his investigation into the inhibitor chips didn’t go unnoticed for long, with Count Dooku very quickly hearing word of Kix’s search for the truth. After finding out that Kix’s knowledge of Palpatine’s plan was far greater than they ever expected a Clone to discover, Dooku immediately ordered his separatist droids to kidnap him as soon as possible, to prevent him from going to the Jedi with this information. After his capture, The separatists employed extreme torture tactics during their interrogation, and tried to figure out whether or not he had spread his discovered about the inhibitor chip to anyone else inside of the Republic’s military. Kix however, maintained his strong resolve, and refused to hand over any information to his interrogaters, even while enduring horrific torture. Because the droid interrogators failed to get any useful information out of the Clone Medic, they knew that they needed to transport Kix directly to Coount Dooku himself on his homeworld of Serreno, for an even more intense interrogation, this time with the help of the force. Following this, Kix was then placed aboard a separatist cruiser called the Obrextra III, where he was frozen and placed into a deep slumber in a cryo-stasis pod, freezing him alive until his eventual arrival on Serenno.

Only moments after this, the ship took off from it’s port and entered space with the droids on board being given only two orders. Return Kix to Count Dooku on Serreno, and Do not let Kix fall into republic hands, and … Tragically, only a short while after, the Obrexta three was ambushed by Republic forces, not knowing that one of their own men was on board. Because the ship had just exited the atmosphere of the planet below, it’s shields were down, leaving it in a terribly vulnerable state, and allowing the Republic navy to almost completely obliterate the cruiser. With the loss of its primary engine, and fires raging across the deck of the ship, one very brave and defiant B-1 battle droid named B-1CC14 made the shocking decision to disobey his direct orders from count Dooku, and send the ship into hyperspace in a completely random direction, without doing any calculations at all, and with complete disregard for the state of the ship. B1-CC14 chose to do this because he believed the Order to protect Kix outweighed the Order to bring to Count Dooku, and therefore disobeyed the first directive.


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