Amaury Lavernhe - Motivation Sport Training by the Bodyboard World Champion

Описание к видео Amaury Lavernhe - Motivation Sport Training by the Bodyboard World Champion

''Today is the day", a motivational clip filmed and edited by Tyge Landa. Bodyboarding is much more than riding, its a lifestyle, an art and a motivation to wake up every morning with the will to go further, harder and stronger!

¨Today is the day, ¨Hoy es el dia¨...Un video de motivacion, gravado y editado por Tyge Landa. Bodyboarding es mucho mas que un ride, a un estilo de vida, un arte y una motivación para despertar se cada mañana con ganas de ir mas lejos, mas fuerte, mas duro!

¨Today is the day, Une video de motivation filmee et montee par Tyge Landa. Bodyboarding est bien plus qu´un ride, c´est un style de vie, un art et une motivation pour se réveiller chaque matins avec l´envie d´aller plus loin, d´être plus fort!


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