The Living Master :: Two Cultures :: East and West

Описание к видео The Living Master :: Two Cultures :: East and West

The Living Master :: Two Cultures :: East and West
Prem Rawat ::
Music ::
Thinking of You
As My Heart Desires
Turn Within
Where Would I Go ( Quote)
Video Editor :: Fernando Garcia
My thanks to those who have made this Video. Without them there would have been able to edit part of the story which mixes two cultures, East and West, trying to bring the message of the Master live these cultures, melting into one.

Ramilbeej :: Eduardo Jai :: Veryvishal :: My :: rubysouth :: MrGo4more :: mahendrepalbajad

"The heart of every human being requires peace. It doesn't matter what their culture, religion, or politics may be, everyone on the face of this earth wants to have peace."

"Fundamental questions have always been asked on the face of this earth: 'Who am I? What am I doing here? What is the purpose of my life?' And there are two kinds of people. Those who are perfectly satisfied in simply believing and then a few people — relative to the population of this earth — who are only satisfied if they know."
Prem Rawat, London, July 2010

Mi agradecimiento a aquellos que ha hecho posible este Video. Sin ellos no hubiera podido editar parte de la historia donde se mezclan dos culturas, la Oriental y la Occidental, tratando de acercar el mensaje del Maestro Vivo de estas culturas, fundiéndolas en una sola.

"El corazón de cada ser humano necesita paz. No importa cuál sea su cultura, religión o ideología política, todo el mundo sobre la faz de esta tierra quiere tener paz."

"En esta tierra, siempre nos hemos hecho las mismas y cruciales preguntas: ¿Quién soy? ¿Qué hago aquí? ¿Cuál es el propósito de mi vida? Y hay dos tipos de personas. Aquellas que se contentan con la creencia y, unos pocos, en comparación con la población mundial, que sólo se contentan con el conocimiento."
Prem Rawat, Londres, Julio 2010.


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