Начало работ в доме г-на Таги: заливка столбов цементом, момент радости

Описание к видео Начало работ в доме г-на Таги: заливка столбов цементом, момент радости

This story seems to be about a construction project where the masters are working with the workers. Here is a summary of the story:

1. **Start of work**: The masters arrive at the work site and start working with materials such as cement. This marks the beginning of construction activities.

2. **Base of columns**: After preparing the cement, the masters start pouring the bases of the small columns. This part of the work is important because the bases support the building.

3. **Rest and tea**: In the meantime, Taqi, who is probably one of the workers or supervisors, brings tea to the masters. This moment shows the human aspects of the work and depicts permanence and hospitality.

4. **Continuation of work and completion of the project**: After themselves, the masters continue working again and the project is completed.

5. **Payment Topic**: Finally, Takheed informs the professors that their money will be paid in a few days, and the professor responds positively to this issue.

This story could be about cooperation in construction work and human factors in a work environment.

1. *#Finishing_Documents*
2. *#Momentary_Happiness*
3. *#Master's_Kindness*
4. *#Watering_the_House_of_Taqhi*
5. *#Family_and_Friendship*
6. *#Good_Memories*
7. **#Happy_Life**🙏🙏🤲🤲♥️🖼🖼😥#heavy_rain
#old_man 🥺😲


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