Seihou Shuusou Gyoku - Perfect Extra Clear (No Miss No Bomb)

Описание к видео Seihou Shuusou Gyoku - Perfect Extra Clear (No Miss No Bomb)

Aaaaaaaaa this took me sooo long to finally get, that should speak for how difficult this extra is to get a perfect clear of, but it feels incredibly good to have finally gotten it.

The stage itself is rather easy, with the only hard part being the red bullet spam at the beginning. Same goes with the midboss. If you're wondering why I play the stage so weirdly (Timing down the midboss, Not killing certain enemies and avoiding points), it's because I'm trying to keep rank as low as possible for Marisa, as she is much more doable and consistent at lower rank than at higher ranks

Speaking of Marisa, she's quite the meme. Her fight is very luck based, and can give you flat out impossible situations at times, the main strategy to her fight is to just beat her as quickly as possible. Her final phase involves you trying to kill her clone as fast as you can before it starts to fire, as it can get incredibly hectic. It's basically luck if you're targeting the clone or not though, if she loses her hitbox as soon as she spawns then it's the real Marisa, not the clone, in other words you got unlucky and have to dodge a bit of mayhem before the clone dies, or you die yourself. If she doesn't lose her hitbox, then it's the clone, and as long as you're shotgunning, you should be able to kill her quickly.

Reimu, like in LLS, is more consistent and less RNG heavy than Marisa, however she is also extremely difficult. Her first phase isn't too bad, first attack is just quickly finding a gap, second attack is random dodging which can be lethal, and her third attack is either following the lane or dodging between them, it depends where she is on the screen and which way the spiral goes.

Second phase is pretty infamous, however it can also be made entirely routable. Her spawn points are static with two variations, her first spawn point will either be on the left or the right. Her spawn points at that point onwards are just mirrored. The route I have here is consistent, and is how I handle this attack.

Third phase isn't too noteworthy, first attack is just fast reaction time. and her second attack is streaming. There is a third attack in this phase, but it should die before you face it.

Fourth phase is annoying, especially the yellow waves, the pattern is slightly different every run, but the pattern itself remains static for that run if that makes sense, keeping this in mind you want to sort of analyze the pattern and find gaps accordingly for each run. Red waves are denser, but slower and easier to dodge. Green waves aren't dense at all, but really fast.

Her survival is hell and a big run ender, all because of its first phase. Her random shots are pretty dense and can put you in really bad situations, the best you can do is hug the bottom right corner and dodge as best as you can. The yin yang streaming is really easy.

Her penult is the last hard thing in the stage, and it's definitely no joke either, random fast dodging with yin yangs bouncing around making your life a whole lot harder. Read ahead and dodge as best as you can.

Her final, thankfully, is really easy, probably Reimu's easiest pattern. When she's firing the pink amulets, stay still, and immediately start moving once she fires the yellow bullets at you. The red bullets are aimed around you so just don't move too aggressively and you'll be perfectly fine.

Well with an LNB and an ExNN, I guess I can say that I finally broke this game, at least for now. LNN is way too insane for me to ever attempt so I think I'm finally satisfied with my survival performance in this game, The only thing left for me to do would be scoring, but I'm not sure about that. I'm open to trying it, but that'll be at some point in the future.

Also don't invalidate my run due to not doing Marisa at max rank thanks 😞


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