Our Top Tip & Hacks for Living with POTS || Dysautonomia Awareness Month

Описание к видео Our Top Tip & Hacks for Living with POTS || Dysautonomia Awareness Month

For a full list of the products mentioned in this video head to www.kit.com/chronicallyjenni

This year I have brought together a fabulous group of Dysautonomia Warriors from 4 different countries across the world to talk all about Dysautonomia for Dysautonomia Awareness Month. We all live with POTS ( Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) which is a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system and causes high heart rates, low blood pressure and many other symptoms. This October we will be bringing you lots of videos sharing our lives with POTS to help fellow sufferers and help the rest of the world understand what living with these chronic conditions is really like!

This week's videos is our top tips and hacks for living with POTS filled with Products and ideas to help people manage their symptoms a little better.

POTS Survival Kit Blogpost Coming Soon to ChronicallyJenni.com

For more information on POTS & Dysautonomia please head to:
potsuk.org or dysautonomiainternational.org

If you liked this video please subscribe to my channel :)

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Facebook:   / chronicallyjenni  
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Kit: https://www.kit.com/chronicallyjenni
Blog: https://www.chronicallyjenni.com

Meet my Dysautonomia Warriors:

Izzy Kornblau - New York, USA.
   / @izzykdna  

Mikki - Holland.

Holly - New Zealand.

Sophie - UK.

Amy, UK.

Hailey, Ohio, USA.
   / @chronicallycooking8905  

Music Credit: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free...


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