Spring Skiing @ Dodge Ridge, 2023

Описание к видео Spring Skiing @ Dodge Ridge, 2023

At the end of April, 2023, we returned to Dodge Ridge, where my previous ski day had been cut short by my knee injury, and tackled a run I set in my sights the first day I saw it: Bobby's Freedom Run. I remember looking at it like it was impossible, but my skills have improved since then. It was a blast.

Unsure of what snow we would find, I brought both my Liberty Origin 101's and my Armada Declivity 92ti's. The Declivities served me well in the cold morning, but once the snow became properly mushy they were a drag, and when we got back to the car I swapped to my Origins. Unfortunately by that time, most of my favorite runs were so chopped up they were barely fun anymore.

I learned that when snow is going to be soft or mushy, I need to go with my Origins, which handle all variety of soft, pliable snow with finesse, but just barely hang with skis in their class on hardpack. When snow is going to be hardpacked and icy, I need to go with my Declivities, which give me much more strength and effective edge, but which get caught up in chop and mush. (At least until I get a pair of Moments that do everything)

We got some incredible cloud shadow shots in this video, with the clouds fluffy and numerous and the wind pushing them along at a decent clip, the surrounding snow passes from shadow to brightness in spectacular fashion.


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