Spread your Artistic Wings through Intuitive Art!

Описание к видео Spread your Artistic Wings through Intuitive Art!

Find your visual voice through intuitive artistic self-expression.

I'm super excited to launch a Beta Version Course that aimed to help you finding your visual voice through exercises that I developed uniquely for this course.


Discover your own unique visual voice and create in ways you can’t imagine possible. Envision expressing yourself spontaneously, so that your authentic self and your inner muse can begin working together to reconnect you to your intuitive flow.

Don't miss an opportunity to get this Course now with a 50% OFF!


► More FREE and Paid Mixed Media Courses (50% OFF all classes with coupon code youtube50 at the check out page):


► Join my FB Group to get inspired by my talented art students:   / abyssimo  

► Instagram: @maria_grossbaum

► Business Inquiries: [email protected]

Also, I'm happy to offer you ALL my paid classes with 50% discount, as I want them to be affordable for you in these challenging times of isolation. Use coupon code youtube50 at the checkout page at "Add Coupon" section to get your favourite class with half price.

► https://abyssimo.teachable.com/

Please stay safe, healthy and creative.


Music: Almost in F - Tranquillity by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-...
Artist: http://incompetech.com/

#abyssimo #mixedmedia #intuitiveart


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