#93 Failing intelligently : The right kind of wrong with Amy Edmondson

Описание к видео #93 Failing intelligently : The right kind of wrong with Amy Edmondson

"When we avoid failure, we also avoid discovery and accomplishment"

Such a fitting thought for the rich & fun discussion Amy Edmondson and I had on failing intelligently and learning to thrive. Humans aren’t an exact science, and neither is failing - so how we can change the way we think, act and interact about failure - in organisations, in society and in our personal lives ?

We are all fallible human beings, with assumptions, biases and emotions, so how can we reframe our mental models to harness this?

In the world of innovation, the spoken mantra is "Fail fast" (and all the variations on this theme) yet everything is geared towards not failing. Leaders still default to ‘failure is not an option’ so then how can we normalise learning from failure ? What are the dangers of failing poorly, not speaking up and what implications will this have for organisations in a future where change is the only constant?

We explore the different types of failure, how to be smarter in the way you fail, and the way you can set yourself and your organisation up to create a healthy culture of failure - essential in a fast moving world.

Fearless organisations can learn from how systems fail, and articulate this as a goal; using creative resilience, emotional regulation and choosing learning over knowing to strive for excellence and thriving.

Listen to the full episode here :

iTunes : https://lnkd.in/dKbYwEb
Spotify : https://lnkd.in/dnrDB7J
Google : https://lnkd.in/eQ-xrMRr
Website : http://bit.ly/Podcast_LTT

#failure #transformation #humansystems #inclusion #learningculture


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