The Top Student - I Dont Like Him 💔

Описание к видео The Top Student - I Dont Like Him 💔

Darn you Pheonix 😡


The Headmaster of the school decided to create a game called " Fight For Success." He will pick the TOP 10 students in class and they will have to compete with each other. Every special exams, 1 will be eliminated until 1 remains. And whoever remains the top student will win 1 Billion Dollars. (Wooh Money! 😂👌) Everything is legal. You can either choose to study very very VERY hard to be one with the top students, or.... you can murder your opponent.

hmm.. who will win?

In this story, there will be friendship, and romance. Weird stuffs because of the new Character. More about exams, quizzes, tests, studying, in short more about school stuffs.



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