Features of Silver-Filled Jewelry Chain and Findings

Описание к видео Features of Silver-Filled Jewelry Chain and Findings

Silver-filled chain, findings, and jewelry-making components are a terrific option that will save your clients money when precious metal prices rise. Learn about the properties of this bi-metal and how to work with it, from forming to polishing to ensure quality professional results in your jewelry designs.

Shop some of the suggested products based on those seen in this video:
1/10 Silver-Filled Round Twist-Pattern Wire, 18-Ga., Dead-Soft http://ow.ly/r5oH50Hwzt8
1/10 Silver-Filled 2.2mm Flat Cable Chains http://ow.ly/G6Cv50Hwzvc
Sterling Silver Solder-Filled 4mm Round Jump Ring http://ow.ly/3N2k50Hwzwt
Rio Grande Jeweler's Workbench http://ow.ly/wclr50HwzzP
GRS® BenchMate® Bench Pin Kit http://ow.ly/zu4B50HwzAQ
Foredom® SR Motor with H.20® Quick-Change Handpiece Flex Shaft System with Motor Hanger http://ow.ly/AYRF50HwzFE
Durston Mini C100E Combination Rolling Mill, 100mm http://ow.ly/M5fJ50HwzM1
Bonny Doon Long Pattern Plate for Press or Rolling Mill, #11http://ow.ly/vzrV50HwzVB
Bonny Doon Pattern Plate for Press or Rolling Mill, #9 http://ow.ly/XzrS50HwzXG
Swanstrom Round Disc Cutter Set http://ow.ly/bHIf50HwzZn
Bonny Doon Square 95-Durometer Urethane, 6"L x 6"W http://ow.ly/i2qZ50HwA0p
Premium Brass-Head Mallet, 2-lb. http://ow.ly/AOjX50HwA1w
Durston Steel 24-Piece Dapping Set with Block http://ow.ly/8ING50HwA6y
Long-Life Hard Charcoal Blocks http://ow.ly/c3w150HwAaN
Smith® Silver Smith™ Acetylene and Air Torch Kit with Tank http://ow.ly/HWWe50HwAea
Dura-BULL® Double-Barrel Rotary Tumbler, 110-Volt http://ow.ly/cTWn50HwAlU

Rio Grande stands for makers who create with their hands and their hearts and who are courageous enough to make jewelry their livelihood.

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