Dragon Nest | Noob Dark Avenger Vs AI Gladiator :v

Описание к видео Dragon Nest | Noob Dark Avenger Vs AI Gladiator :v

I actually just curious about Dark Avenger after Remake at PvP
This is still OP , they just nerf some skill
1. Dark Avenger - Cooldown 48s to 68s (with cooldown plate)
2. Dark Avenger Tumble - Cooldown 0,6s to 2,5s
and also this DN (Private Server) following CN/KDN HP ATK base pvp which is 2x higher than official server (SEA) , and for the BOT or AI Gladiator still have low HP like SEA server, so yeah .. that is the reason why this AI Gladiator dead so fast...


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