Writing Chemical Formulas For Covalent Molecular Compounds

Описание к видео Writing Chemical Formulas For Covalent Molecular Compounds

This chemistry video tutorial explains the process of writing chemical formulas for covalent molecular compounds using prefixes such as mono, di, tri, and tetra. This video contains plenty of examples and practice problems of naming binary covalent molecular compounds.

Chemistry - Basic Introduction:
   • Chemistry  

Unit Conversion Problems:
   • Converting Units With Conversion Fact...  

Physical Vs Chemical Properties:
   • Physical vs Chemical Properties  

Elements, Atoms, & Molecules:
   • Elements, Atoms, Molecules, Ions, Ion...  

Protons, Neutrons, & Electrons:
   • How To Calculate The Number of Proton...  

Average Atomic Mass:
   • How To Calculate The Average Atomic Mass  

Ionic and Covalent Bonding:
   • Ionic and Covalent Bonding - Chemistry  

Naming Molecular Compounds:
   • How To Name Covalent Molecular Compou...  

Memorize The Polyatomic Ions:
   • How to Memorize The Polyatomic Ions -...  

Writing Formulas - Molecular Compounds:
   • Writing Chemical Formulas For Covalen...  

Naming Ionic Compounds:
   • How To Name Ionic Compounds In Chemistry  

Naming Transition Metal Compounds:
   • How To Name Ionic Compounds With Tran...  

Writing Formulas - Ionic Compounds:
   • Writing Chemical Formulas For Ionic C...  

Writing Formulas - Polyatomic Ions:
   • How To Write Ionic Formulas With Poly...  

Naming Acids In Chemistry:
   • Naming Acids In Chemistry  

Introduction to Moles:
   • Introduction to Moles  

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