Sumarnótt - Viðtal við Ragnar Kjartansson / Death is Elsewhere - Interview with Ragnar Kjartansson

Описание к видео Sumarnótt - Viðtal við Ragnar Kjartansson / Death is Elsewhere - Interview with Ragnar Kjartansson

7.5.2021 - 19.9.2021, Listasafn Íslands.

Á björtum sumarmánuðum sýnir Listasafn Íslands vídeóinnsetninguna Sumarnótt (Death Is Elsewhere) eftir Ragnar Kjartansson sem hann tók upp á íslenskri nótt, þegar aldrei dimmir. Þetta sjö rása verk er ein þeirra stóru vídeóinnsetninga sem hafa verið áberandi í listsköpun Ragnars síðustu ár þar sem endurtekningar, tími og rúm leika veigamikið hlutverk.

Frekari upplýsingar um sýninguna:


7.5.2021 - 19.9.2021, National Gallery of Iceland.

During the bright summer months, the National Gallery of Iceland shows the video installation Death Is Elsewhere by Ragnar Kjartansson – filmed one Icelandic summer night, when darkness never falls. This seven-channel work is one of the large-scale video installations which have been prominent in Ragnar‘s art in recent years, where repetition, time and space play important roles. In Death Is Elsewhere the artist returns to familiar territory, where a romantic utopian spirit reigns. The ambiance is one of insouciance and melancholy as young couples wander through unvarying lowlands, singing to a guitar accompaniment. The symmetrical picture and constantly repeated melody entice the observer into the work's unending circularity, shutting out impending doom while constantly alluding to it.

For further reading:


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