Dwarf Fortress 0.44.12 | Adbim | Ep 29

Описание к видео Dwarf Fortress 0.44.12 | Adbim | Ep 29

Welcome to a new Dwarf Fortress playthrough! In this Dwarf fortress Let's Play, we are going to continue in the same world we made in the last series, Onuluvar. With the last series as our capital, we will set out to make a new outpost, and a great library to help establish our culture!.

Dwarf Fortress is my favorite game of all time, and I am excited to start a new play through with version 0.44.12. We wudo Fortress mode in a good biome, with seven dwarves and six picks.

Dwarf Fortress - Adbim Playlist -    • Dwarf Fortress 0.44.12 | Adbim | Fort...  


Hi! I'm Kitch!
I do let's plays of popular (and not so popular) strategy, simulation, survival, base building and roguelike games.

I do my best to provide clean, family friendly content (well, at least as clean and family friendly as the games will let me) that focuses on learning the game, mastering the game, and of course having a lot of fun in the process.

Thanks for watching!


Be sure to subscribe to keep up to date with my latest videos!

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♫Music by Dj Quads♫
● @aka-dj-quads
● twitter.com/DjQuads
●    / Канал  
● open.spotify.com/artist/2VZrdImbvB03VWApYtBRr3
● www.instagram.com/djquads


#dwarffortress #kitch


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